Friday, April 7, 2023



      I made a few more bookmarks for the market.  I'll hand them out to people who buy one of my tatting books.  This one is one of my favorites.

Note:  Not a fan (hate) facebook.  The only reason, I have NOT deleted it complete, is because my little sister had gotten Dystonia about 15 years ago.  It started out affecting her voice box, and she was unable to speak.  The best way to see what she was doing was through her post in fb.  Lately, fb has said there was a problem with my fb West Pine Creations page.  Sounds like it was compromised again.  I deleted it and will work on improving this site.  Also, there are quite a few people, up here, who don't do fb.  I refer them to my blog for the latest tatting info.  
     Not a fan of instagram, either.  It started out, ok, but now it's full of add.  So, I'm going to delete that one also.
    Thanks for listening and staying with me.  Seems like a lot of people are going to fb and instagram.  I'm old fashion, and prefer out blogs.


  1. I prefer blogs too. Everything disappears so quickly on Facebook.

  2. I don't 'do' any of those other things. I prefer blogs, too. I really enjoy yours.
