Tuesday, July 4, 2023



      The fourth lesson was a jellyfish.  This exercise uses only two colors of blue.  

     If you look closely at the picture, there appears to be a tint of purple.  So, exciting!

     We haven't had a chemistry lesson for a while.  The name of the company is called Chromatek, sorta like chromatography.   Chromatography is the separation of whatever compound we are trying to separate.  When kids came to visit the chemistry department, we would make chromatography butterflies out of coffee filter.  

    The kids would fold a coffee filter in half then cut out a wing design.  On the fold, drop small amounts of food coloring along the fold.  Fill a wide cup with about an 1/8" to 1/4" of water.  Place the folded side down in the water and leave the rest above the water.  As the water rises up the filter (elutes), the coloring, also rises up.  Whatever the colors used to make certain colors also start to separate out.  Such as indigo blue may elute blue and purple.  Also, that purple may elute pink.  Too Cool.