Friday, October 6, 2023

Last Market Day

  Last Market Day

     This is our last market of the season.  Lots of fun activities.  See you tomorrow (Saturday).

Bonners Ferry Farmers Market, downtown in the city parking lot. We are there from 8 am to 1 pm.

My space is the second space on the right, from the visitor center/bathrooms.

I'll have handmade/hand cut stones from the local areas and make my own settings for each stone. I have a few spiders, glow necklaces, and lots more. All locally made in Idaho and hand made.

Of course, I have a lot of tatted items and tatting supplies. New batches of wooden rattie shuttles, decorated shuttles, tatting essentials, tatting kits. Handmade tatted jewelry and motifs.

I will be tatting, of course. If you are interest in tatting, bring a chair. If you have a tatting shuttle and size 10 crochet thread, bring it and I'll teach you. If you don't have a shuttle you can get one from me and I always carry a little extra thread.


  1. You have a fabulous array of tatting items for your booth. Do you get many visitors? Our town tried holding a farmer's market for several years. It was difficult to find vendors and shoppers.

    1. Not many visitors. We live in a poor community so I don't sell that much. It's more of a social thing and to teach anyone who wants to tat. All I ask that they bring a chair.
