Farmers Market
Our local, Bonners Ferry, Farmers Market has started. But, due to the virus, only essential vendors are allowed (food, plants and cleaning supplies). The only thing I could sell is my hand sanitizers that hang on a purse or bag. I've been making these for four years and they rarely sell. People never got, that germs are everywhere. The virus has woken people up to this. We have been using hand sanitzer since it came out. I always have it on my purse. While making a few more (I had a few bottles of sanitzer, I had gotten last fall), my sewing machine belt broke. Pretty good for a belt lasting 33 years. Unfortunately, I have to wait???weeks???months for a new belt. I do have my mom's, heavy duty Singer sewing machine as a back up. I'll wait to sell these, maybe mid to late May.
They should sell well!